Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ride On!

Hrothgar rushed into the stable and grabbed the reins to his horse. The stable master was supposed to take off her saddle and wash her, but he was laying face down, drunk in a pile of hay, oats, and his own filth. Hrothgar mounted his horse and saw the side doors to the stable were open to the stream and the orchard and fields outside the pallisade, where the horses from the stable grazed. A stable boy was in the doorway, walking a grey mare outside. Hrothgar shot past them and dashed to the stream. He oriented himself, jumped the stream, and headed to the Collective House, where Enelye, and most other "touched" races stayed when they were in Harm.

The Collective House was really a great sprawing mansion sitting just to the north of Lord Northewode's keep. It was run by Fenius Lighttouch, a halfling who had gained some renown, and wealth years ago for his exploration of some parts of the West Marches. He now ran a boarding house/sanctuary for demi-human people who were staying in Harm. It's gardens, inn, and tavern were closed off to human, unless they were accompanied by someone staying at the House.

Hrothgar had dropped Enelye there as they made plans to reunite in a few days to continue the exploration of the tower of Udd. He raced there now, the hhigh hill and keep of Lord Northewode looming above him to his right. He rode right into the rear courtyard, scattering a few halflings and not even disturbing  a rotund dwarf sleeping in a chair. He dismounted and raced into the garden, assuming Enelye would be studying the books she had taken from the Tower. She was not there. He raced inside to find her and as he turned the corner to the lobby he saw her standing next to three other soldiers in the livery of Lord Northewode.

They have not seen you yet.

Hrothgar, what will you do?