Monday, February 1, 2010

Hrothgar at the Weary Tankard

Hrothgar sits at the Weary Tankard Inn and Tavern. He takes a well deserved draw from a strong stout beer the Tankard is known for. The barwench comes over and asks if he wants another. It not even lunch time. He nods and she shuffles off to retrieve another tankard.

Hrothgar scans the room for potential hirelings to help further explore the Tower of Udd. Enelye indicated she would join him at the town gate tomrrow at dawn to move further. She told Hrothgar she was thankful of their new arrangement. She would receive half, as would Hrothgar, of all they retreived, but she would be totally responsible for all of her expenses and she would be responsible for paying half of all group costs, like retainers. It seems that Hrothgar had found a partner.

Enelye had indicated she had some things she wanted to do before they went back. Hrothgar had too. He fixed his armor, bought a crossbow, and went to the Church of the Sun for some blessed water to hopefully combat the undead that seem to infest the ruined tower complex.

As Hrothgar drained his second tankard, a group of well armored men, with tabards emblazoned in white, red and gold came in, looked around, stared at Hrothgar, and came over to his table.

" Are you Hrothgar, adventurer?" The man asked. He was tall, with a neatly trimmed beard and was obviously an officer or nco of some kind. "Are you the Hrothgar who has recently sold these daggers?" He pulls the two bronze ceremonial daggers from a pouch dangling from his belt? "You need to accompany my party to Lord Northewode's Keep to explain where you retreived these items and whatever questions he may ask. Please, this way." The  officer points towards the door motioning for Hrothgar to follow. He has three other soldiers with him, all weraing chain armor, with swords. One stands in front of the door.

Hrothgar What Do You Want to Do?