Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hrothgar folded the note, and slipped it into a pocket.
"Our meeting has been delayed,"he said, and turned to the priest. "Is it alright if I stay here till she arrives?"

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Note

Hrothgar opened the not. It was written in very beautiful script.


I have been summoned to Lord Northewode's keep because of the daggers we sold. I don't think they mean me harm, but want to discuss where we found them and what we saw. They mentioned they were summoning you, but I suspect that has not gone well. I will meet you at the graveyard when I am done. I have discovered many interesting things in the tomes I secured from the Tower.


"Is everything alright son?" questioned Apollonius touching Hrothgar's shoulder. "Why don't you tie your horse up here and we can talk?"

Hrothgar felt an overwelming sense of goodness slowly creep over his body from his shoulder to his toes.

Hrothgar what do you wish to do?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


"Well, I'm no Father, except to my daughters, but I would welcome you to be my Brother, and I yours," said the holy man. He chuckled at the father comment. It was a remanant from the old, failed religion of the west. "I am Apollonius, High Cleric of Purl, and this is His Church. I am its caretaker and caregiver."

"I don't believe I recognize you from around here. Is your lady friend from around here? Maybe I know her father. Maybe I could help?"

As Apollonius was speaking to you, you see Enelye leave the front of the Collective House with the guards of Lord Northewode. She walks and talks to the sergeant in what appears to be a pleasant manner. She is carrying the books she took from the Tower. She follows the guards up the hill to the keep.

As she disappears behind the keeps' gate, the halflling boy from the Collective House walks across the street and up to Hrothgar. He hands him a note and runs away.

Apollonius chuckles at the boys' hurried run away from the grizzly looking Hrothgar.

Hrothgar, what do you want to do? 

"Well, you've caught me, brother. I guess you could say it's mischief". Hrothgar tried his most sheepish look. "I'm waiting on a lady. Her father's not particularly found of me, and this was the only place I thought we could meet."

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hrothgar waits...

Hrothgar darted to the church to the north of the Collective House. The town was bustling as it was almost mid day. The road between the collective house and the church was dotted with merchants and farmers, coming and going to the pallisaded main part of Harm.

Hrothgar dismounted and lead his horse to the back of the church near the graveyard, shielded from the main road, but with a clear eye to the front door of the Collective House.

His horse grazed and he watched.

"Hallu there my good fellow!" said a boisterous voice behind Hrothgar as he peered around the corner of the church. " Is there something I may assist you with?"

Hrothgar turned to see a hugely rotund man in blue, faded, peasant cloth robes tied with a piece of frayed yellow dyed rope. His puffy cheeks and bulbous nose show a face thais almost entirely red and he seems to be breathing somewhat heavy with each sentence."My name is Apollonius and this is my church. Well, his church, but mine to run all the same. Are you looking for someone or are you up to some mischief?"

Hrothgar what do you do?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Getting the message

Hrothgar froze. Enelye saw him, but gave no indication she had. She kept talking to the soldiers. Hrothgar pointed to himself, then pantomimed running really fast. He slowly backed out.
He dashed over to a halfling lad who was feeding Hrothgar's horse an apple.
"Boy." Hrothgar tried not to shout. "You there, boy." Hrothgar began mounting his horse.
"When the elven lady inside is done talking to those thugs, tell her Hrothgar awaits her at the old church." He flipped the lad a silver piece and put spurs to the horse.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ride On!

Hrothgar rushed into the stable and grabbed the reins to his horse. The stable master was supposed to take off her saddle and wash her, but he was laying face down, drunk in a pile of hay, oats, and his own filth. Hrothgar mounted his horse and saw the side doors to the stable were open to the stream and the orchard and fields outside the pallisade, where the horses from the stable grazed. A stable boy was in the doorway, walking a grey mare outside. Hrothgar shot past them and dashed to the stream. He oriented himself, jumped the stream, and headed to the Collective House, where Enelye, and most other "touched" races stayed when they were in Harm.

The Collective House was really a great sprawing mansion sitting just to the north of Lord Northewode's keep. It was run by Fenius Lighttouch, a halfling who had gained some renown, and wealth years ago for his exploration of some parts of the West Marches. He now ran a boarding house/sanctuary for demi-human people who were staying in Harm. It's gardens, inn, and tavern were closed off to human, unless they were accompanied by someone staying at the House.

Hrothgar had dropped Enelye there as they made plans to reunite in a few days to continue the exploration of the tower of Udd. He raced there now, the hhigh hill and keep of Lord Northewode looming above him to his right. He rode right into the rear courtyard, scattering a few halflings and not even disturbing  a rotund dwarf sleeping in a chair. He dismounted and raced into the garden, assuming Enelye would be studying the books she had taken from the Tower. She was not there. He raced inside to find her and as he turned the corner to the lobby he saw her standing next to three other soldiers in the livery of Lord Northewode.

They have not seen you yet.

Hrothgar, what will you do?   

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Chase Continues

Hrothgar tore out of the front doorway to the Tankard and turned right. He headed for the stables for his horse. He dodged around four saddled horses that stood at a hitching post and then turned the corner around the Inn Keepers tower and sprinted to the stable. They wee open, since it was mid morning. and there stood Hrothgars horse in a stall eating oats. His pursuers had not rounded the corner yet, but soon would.

Hrothgar what do you wish to do?

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Chase is on!

The Captain turned to flip the barkeep a few silver coins for the busted tankard. "Sorry Rufus, this one had an attitude about seeing his lordship. I'll buy you a spirit at the Marsh next time we have a chance."

As he had turned his head to speak with Rufus, so did his men. As they all chuckled, Hrothgar bolted out the front door and into the walled courtyard of the Inn and Tavern. The front arched gate was open. It was 30' away from the front door. Four horses were saddled up and tied to the ring out front.

The day is drizzling rain, and mud puddles are starting to form on the courtyard grounds.

Hrothgar, What would you like to do?

"Well, seeing as you asked so nicely,"Hrothgar said as he wiped the blood from his lip. "Barkeep! If my men ask where I'm at, you can tell them, I'm in the company of these fine gentlemen".
He flipped the bartender his coin and walked out with his escorts. As soon as he was free of the inn, he took off running...

An armored fist struck Hrothgar in the jaw, (3pts). The Captain had reached over lightning quick and struck Hrothgar. Knocking the clay tankard to the floor and shattering it. (end of surprise round)

"You have one more chance to walk to see Lord Northewode, otherwise you will be dragged there by horse Do not delay in making your decision." The Captain stood with an easy stance, but one that was fully prepared to strike or give the command to.

Hrothgar, what do you wish to do?

Hrothgar wiped the foam from his mouth and burped. "The only thing I NEED to do, is finish this ale. I owe no allegiance or fealty to this Lord, and am therefore not at his beck and call. Come again in the morrow."

Hrothgar at the Weary Tankard

Hrothgar sits at the Weary Tankard Inn and Tavern. He takes a well deserved draw from a strong stout beer the Tankard is known for. The barwench comes over and asks if he wants another. It not even lunch time. He nods and she shuffles off to retrieve another tankard.

Hrothgar scans the room for potential hirelings to help further explore the Tower of Udd. Enelye indicated she would join him at the town gate tomrrow at dawn to move further. She told Hrothgar she was thankful of their new arrangement. She would receive half, as would Hrothgar, of all they retreived, but she would be totally responsible for all of her expenses and she would be responsible for paying half of all group costs, like retainers. It seems that Hrothgar had found a partner.

Enelye had indicated she had some things she wanted to do before they went back. Hrothgar had too. He fixed his armor, bought a crossbow, and went to the Church of the Sun for some blessed water to hopefully combat the undead that seem to infest the ruined tower complex.

As Hrothgar drained his second tankard, a group of well armored men, with tabards emblazoned in white, red and gold came in, looked around, stared at Hrothgar, and came over to his table.

" Are you Hrothgar, adventurer?" The man asked. He was tall, with a neatly trimmed beard and was obviously an officer or nco of some kind. "Are you the Hrothgar who has recently sold these daggers?" He pulls the two bronze ceremonial daggers from a pouch dangling from his belt? "You need to accompany my party to Lord Northewode's Keep to explain where you retreived these items and whatever questions he may ask. Please, this way." The  officer points towards the door motioning for Hrothgar to follow. He has three other soldiers with him, all weraing chain armor, with swords. One stands in front of the door.

Hrothgar What Do You Want to Do?