Friday, March 19, 2010

On with it

"Well then, I am sure you can do all that you want. I am most puzzled by the fact of how long and hard was the journeys for us to secure the artifacts of Uddilon's demise nad you found one, on one trip so close to Harm." Apollonius scratched his stubbly face. "This may mean nothing, a lost cache unearthed by accident. Or it could be something else. Either way, I am sure Jeremiah would welcome the scouring of the Tower if it is over run by vile things. and maybe you will know more of this mystery when you are done."

"Since you seem eager for your friend to return, and eager to be back exploring, I will assume she is a traveling companion. And one seeking adventure?"

Hrothgar nodded. He simply did not care about the intrigue and the history of these people and their fall. Apollonius seemed a nice enough fellow, and apparently had sought and secured his fortune and fame by his hand, like Hrothgar simply wanted to do. He thought of abandoning Enelye, but realized he needed her bow and sword. And a couple others if he was going to do this again.

Apollonius continued."Well then, I will talk to Jeremiah and have him call off his hounds. and you should go try to find some more like minded sword hands if you are going to go back to the Tower."

He raised his bulk up from the chair with an unnatural grace and moved over to the chest. He reached in and pulled out a tan, worn, sack cloth cloak with a hood. It also had a simple metal broach and chain to secure the cloak together when worn.

"You may find this useful while you are in town. At least until I can talk to Jeremiah." He handed it to Hrothgar.

Hrothgar thought, "Great a cloak crappier than the crapp one I'm wearing now." Hrothgar grabbed the cloak. "Thanks" he said.

"You seem overwhelmed by your fortune. Take of yours and put it on", said Apollonius.

Hrothgar removed his worn cloak and put the scratchy, tattered cloak on and clasped the broach and chain.

"Put the hood on", said Apollonius.

Hrothgar put the hood on. "OK so its a crappy cloak with a hood."

"Now look into this mirror," said Apollonius plainly.

Hrothgar looked into the polished mirror. In front of him stood his boots, his legs, his body and chest, his arms, but not his face. It was a face he did not recognize. A simple face, without definition, odd, plain, blank, shadowed under the hood of the cloak. Startled, he quickly pulled back the hood and his true face was revealed.

He had never seen magic like this before. He had only seen the magic of the Battle Mages. Fiery and fearsome. This was sublte and it unnerved him.

"The hood, while up, will create in the viewers eyes, a different face. Like a mask. At first it will be non descript and plain. As you begin to use the cloak and experiment with it, it will make all manner of faces. Concentration and practice are the key." Apollonius smiled. He couldn't resist the urge. He took the cloak from HRothgars shoulders, unclasped the chain and put it on. At first the face under the hood was a young fine haired and suntanned youth. It then shifted to a gruff, battlescarred and stubble face old mercenary, it then morphed into a blue, misty, glowing god-like face, completely smooth, then a fearsome orc, and finally a old crone.

He took off the cloak and handed it back to Hrothgar, who stood stunned by the display. "You see it just takes some practice."

"Come with me." Apollonius pulled Hrothgar back into the church. Light was streaming into the church now, truly transforming the church to a kaleidescope of color and wonder. Apollonius went to the alter, fished around underneath, and pulled out three vials. He quickly filled them up with holy water from the flowing font. Next he went back into his room and returned with a leather bottle with a strap and stopper. He filled this too with water from the font.

He began weaving a picture in the air with his fingers again. Again the bule light seemed to follow his motions. The blue light spilled from the opening of the leather bottle. Then he stopped.

"Take these. You will need them. The vials are holy water. To be thrown at evil, vile creatures. They will be aghast at its presence of pure goodness and light. The canteen is full of enchanted water. It will heal your wounds, thanks to the goodness and light of All Father Purl." Apollonius handed them to Hrothgar. 

Apollonius was clearly excited.. Roused to action and drunk on preparations for adventuring. Hrothgar nodded, "Apollonius, would you be interested in accompanying us to the Tower." Appolonius stopped and  looked at Hrothgar. "I thank you son, but my place is here. To help the people of Harm get through their daily lives. They need me. And I them." Apollonius seemed slightly older, slower and less radiant now.

"I think you should be on your way. It is mid-day and the cloak should shield you on your way to the Weary Tankard. You'll find help there. Sword arms are always available for a price. Although their skill varies. I will tell your friend she can meet you there. Watch for her, because she will not recognize you if you have the cloak on. Good Luck. I will talk to Jeremiah when he will see me." Apollonius led Hrothgar out the door. Apollonius breathed in the fresh air deeply. "Yes sir, fine day!" he said to no one in particular and smacked his hugely round belly.

"Hullo my dear, come inside." A simply dressed woman was carrying a small child wincing in pain, holding his arm. "He was climbing the apple trees and fell and..." Apollonius closed the front doors to the church and Hrothgar was left standing on the stone stairs.

Hrothgar waht do wish to do?