Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Hallway

Rhian moved forward cautiously, scared of the puddle on the floor. Hrothgar moved up slowly behind him, seraching the walls and floor for any tell tale signs of secret doors or concealed passages. Enelye crept up last, closing the door behind her in case any more giant rats decided to join their fallen nest mates.

Rhian poked at the puddle of green liquid with his sword, realized it was just sludge, and stepped forward and turned to tell the others it was clear. It was then that the floor beneath his foot gave way. It threw him head first into a pit below the floor.

Rhian's face smashed against the wall of the pit as he fell to the bottom. When he came to, he could hardly see from the blood that was pouring from the tears on his face and the broken nose that made it hard to breathe. (5 pts dmg) He looked up and saw Hrothgar's surrly snarl looking down at him.

The pit was about 10' deep, with filth and about a foot of green water.

Hrothgar lowered his rope and struggled to pull Rhian out of the pit. Enelye helped and finally he was drug out of the pit. Rhian lay panting and weaving on the floor of the hallway, soaking wet from green filthy water and smelling like a swamp.

A wooden double door sits at the end of the hallway. The pit floor is still open and will have to be jumped over to get to the doors. The trap door may be reset, but a trigger or catch can not be located. Rhian has a major wound to his face. (he has 3 hp left, Hrothgar has 4, Enelye has 6)

Hrothgar what would you like to do?