Friday, November 6, 2009

To the attack

Hrothgar had heard of the walking dead but had never seen them. He had seen plenty of men die, but none walked afterward.

Hrothgar instinctively swung at the zombie as it lurched toward him, but he swung to soon and missed.
Enelye nervously fired her bow at the creature, but the arrow missed its mark.
Rhian stared in amazement, flatfooted at the sight of the walking dead man and the other two that appeared from behind the tower, walking toward them.
The zombie took a lazy swipe at Hrothgar and missed.

Hrothgar swung again, but was distracted by the other two zombies approaching and missed.
Enelye's aim was true this time and she plugged the first zombie in the chest with her white fletched arrows. (3 pts dmg)
Rhian, emboldened by Enelye's attack, charged the new zombies. He crashed into them with his shield and delivered a massive blow that with his axe that crushed one of zombie's head. It fell to the ground no longer moving, drenching Rhian in black and smelly gore.(8pts dmg)

The remaining two zombies swung at their targets, but were just too slow to connect.

Hrothgar, annoyed by Rhian boldness and success swung his sword and it rang true, lopping off the head of the zombie in front of him. (7pts dmg)
Enelye switched targets and fired another arrow at the last remaining zombie. It went skittering of the sideof the tower.
Rhian sung at the last zombie and cleaved a giant gash in his side, but the zombie went on unphased by the assault.(9 pts dmg)

The remaining zombie swiped at Rhian, but could not land a blow.

Rhian's dodging caused him to miss, and blocked the shot of Enelye. And Hrothgar rushed to join the attack.

the remaining zombie missed again.

Rhothgar's manuevered behind the remaning zombie and battered his skull until it hit the ground, lifeless. (4 pts dmg)

Everyone looked around to see if any more approached. None did.

After a long pause, Enelye said, "I think you may be right Hrothgar, dark magics must surround this place to have those foul creatures as guardians."

"And guardians usually are guarding something worthwhile. Lets go see what they were protecting"said Rhian, puffed up by the party's first encounter, he rushed to the other side of the tower.

Hrothgar what will you do?