Thursday, June 17, 2010

The corner booth

Hrothgar sat in the corner booth, in relative darkness, across from Enelye.

The man in the slashed leather jerkin got up from his droning companinon and walked directly over to Hrothgar.

He stood in front of him, confident. "My name is Ulfwick Fornier. Most everyone calls me Ulf. I have a steady sword arm and could stand to be away from that yacking fool. I must demand a full share, plus traveling rations and a new edge on my blade. If that is acceptable to you I shall be available to accompany you on this, well what ever it is you are doing." He waved his gloved hand in disregard. "Please let me know, directly so I may end my association with that pratteling old fool." Pointing over his shoulder at the man he was sitting with.

Hrothgar What do you do?