Tuesday, February 16, 2010


"Well, I'm no Father, except to my daughters, but I would welcome you to be my Brother, and I yours," said the holy man. He chuckled at the father comment. It was a remanant from the old, failed religion of the west. "I am Apollonius, High Cleric of Purl, and this is His Church. I am its caretaker and caregiver."

"I don't believe I recognize you from around here. Is your lady friend from around here? Maybe I know her father. Maybe I could help?"

As Apollonius was speaking to you, you see Enelye leave the front of the Collective House with the guards of Lord Northewode. She walks and talks to the sergeant in what appears to be a pleasant manner. She is carrying the books she took from the Tower. She follows the guards up the hill to the keep.

As she disappears behind the keeps' gate, the halflling boy from the Collective House walks across the street and up to Hrothgar. He hands him a note and runs away.

Apollonius chuckles at the boys' hurried run away from the grizzly looking Hrothgar.

Hrothgar, what do you want to do?